Syntax ------ RESTful service URL syntax: https://{USER}:{PASSWORD}[/{SPOTTER}/{ACTION}][?{QUERY}] {USER} The API user name defined in your account. It is different than your own account's login e-mail. {PASSWORD} The API user password defined in your account. See {API_USER} for more info. {SPOTTER} Any name of your choosing. Generally, any name that you can use as a file name will do. Example: "my-backup-2", "log-rotating" etc. {ACTION} Specifies spotter actions. Accepts keywords "delete" to delete the spotter, "list" to list all spotters, "history" to see ping history, or {TIME} for regular ping that informs the spotter of the next expected ping time. {TIME} Ping the spotter and notify PINGJOE that the next ping must happen within given {TIME}. The time can be a UNIX timestamp (integer) or {RELATIVE_TIME}. {RELATIVE_TIME} A sequence of {NUMBER} + {UNIT} pairs. Examples: "1w2d", "1d12h30m" {UNIT} supported time units are "m" - minutes, "h" - hours, "d" - days, "M" - months, "Y" or "y" for years {QUERY} Following query parameters are supported: "format=json|text|help" and "logout" to log out from a browser. Examples -------- First ping to non-existing spotter will create a spotter. Here we create a new spotter named "my-cron-job" that will expect the next ping to happen within 1 week and 2 days. Ping the already existing "my-cron-job" spotter and set the next ping time window to 1 hour and 10 minutes. Show "my-cron-job" spotter ping history. List all the spotters of the API user "user". Disable & remove the "my-cron-job" spotter.